Our mobile technologies amplify brands and businesses.
Technical Consultation, Development, and Support:
Our team of experts is ready to assist you in every step of your technical journey, from concept to execution and ongoing maintenance.
Digital Campaign Solutions:
Unlock the potential of your campaigns with our innovative digital solutions that drive engagement and deliver results.
Live Reporting:
Stay in the know with real-time reporting that empowers you with accurate insights and data-driven decision-making.
Mobile Content (VAS):
Explore a world of captivating mobile content, including value-added services that enrich user experiences.
Regulatory and WASPA Compliancy:
Rest easy knowing that our services adhere to regulations and industry standards, ensuring a secure and trustworthy environment.
Customer Care Management and Call Centre:
Our dedicated customer care team is at your service to address any inquiries promptly.
Airtime Products:
Seamlessly manage airtime products to enhance user convenience and accessibility.
USSD Applications:
Utilise USSD applications to provide instant and interactive experiences to your users, fostering deeper engagement.
Competition Management:
Drive excitement and interaction with carefully managed competitions that captivate your audience.
Voting Polls:
Harness the power of voting polls to gather opinions and preferences, fostering a sense of involvement and community.
Content Hosting and Delivery:
Swiftly host and deliver a variety of content, ensuring smooth and efficient distribution.
Subscription Management/Loyalty Programme Management: Cultivate customer loyalty through well-structured subscription and loyalty programs.
WhatsApp Services/Campaigns:
Engage users directly on a platform they use daily, with tailored WhatsApp services and campaigns.
AI Innovations:
Experience the cutting edge of AI technology with our innovative solutions designed to enhance user experiences.
We take immense pride in offering a wide selection of educational, legal, medical, edutainment, entertainment, music, video, interactive gaming, and more, all available for White-Label customisation to align with your brand’s identity.
For further inquiries about how WorldPlay can cater to your specific needs, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our dedicated sales team. Your vision is our priority, and we look forward to helping you achieve it